The KaBOOM! Dashboard is an amazing analytical tool, incorporating state-of-the-art web technology, that produces real-time corporate performance measures. This data is helping KaBOOM! better understand both their role in the community, as well as how their internal policies and procedures shape their company landscape.
Launched over an aggressive three-month development schedule, ReachFarther® tied together offline and online data systems in a single-source website capable of delivering information with the click of a mouse. For instance, KaBOOM! can track how many volunteers they worked with over the course of a month, a quarter, or a year, and compare these periods against historical data to benchmark their performance.
The data is then presented in easy-to-read graphs and online tables, with the ability to drill-down deeper in order to see the individual metrics that are rolled up into the final summaries. These disparate measures are then tied together in customized views called “dashboards” that present metrics relevant to single corporate divisions, such as finance or human resources.
As KaBOOM! learns more from the data that the dashboard provides, the metrics we produce are updated. Built as an online web application, the technology is extremely flexible allowing us to quickly bring new data to the people who need it most. Built with stunning Flash-enabled charts, the graphs are both striking and easy to read.
The project was written up in the October 12, 2006 issue of The Chronicle of Philanthropy. To read more about how this new tool is enabling better critical decision making, please visit their website.